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Monday, April 27, 2009

hope you people are concentrating on your studies now :D

anyway, zhe an wants to meet all senior band members outside the band room to tell you all some stuffs.
sec 2s and 3s, meet outside the band room at 1.45 sharp.
for the sec 4s, meet outside the band room after your remedials end.

study hard!

9:15 PM

Sunday, April 19, 2009

To all band members,
please take note that if you want to bring your instruments home, you have to do so tomorrow.

for juniors, your section leader/ assistant section leaders would have most probably smsed you on what they expect you to do, so kindly follow it. If they have yet to say anything to you and you want to borrow instruments home, do so tomorrow, along with your files and SOE for sec ones.

practice is important during these few weeks of CCA break, but please do not neglect your studies too. I dont want to hear of anyone from band going for panel meeting or such. After such hectic practices, it's about time you all took time off and concentrate for you studies. Just try to fork out a few hours every 2 or 3 days to practice your instrument so that your embouchure will not change drastically when you return after the CCA break.

Study hard and play hard too people!

10:52 PM

Monday, April 13, 2009

please take note that there is band on wednesday, 15/4/09.
we will not be using the band room as CO will be using for practice for their SYF.
Venue will be confirmed later, but please be aware that there is band on wednesday and do pass the message.

10:02 PM

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Upcoming Free Concert

12 April 2009 - SUNDAY

Singapore Wind Symphony

Esplanade Concert Hall, 3PM


Regan G. Wickman

As educator, Regan has amassed considerable experience as a wind ensemble and jazz band director as well as a low brass instructor. Involved in international education for most of the past 8 years, his posts have included international schools in both Hong Kong and Bangkok where he was most recently Director of Instrumental Music at Bangkok’s International Community School. He has also served as band adjudicator and clinician for Yamaha Music and guest resident artist at the Thailand Brass Festival in March 2006.

Regan also maintains an active schedule as a professional freelance trombonist, having appeared with the Bangkok Symphony and Opera Orchestras, HTB Orchestra Nagasaki, Japan and various jazz venues in Hong Kong. Prior to living in Asia, he was based in Los Angeles, California for over 15 years where his background included extensive work with Columbia Artists, Disney Corporation, Royal Caribbean Cruises and literally dozens of theatre orchestra productions.

In addition, he has both recorded and toured with the Jazz Pacific Orchestra, Legends of Swing, Pacific Brass Quintet and Jimmy Dorsey Band throughout North America and Europe. He also has numerous recording sessions to his credit including music, television and film. Regan studied jazz education at the University of North Texas and holds a Master’s Degree in classical trombone performance from California State University, Long Beach.

Cuban Overture / G. Gershwin
An Outdoor Overture / A. Copland
Stars and Stripes Forever / Sousa
A Symphonic Portrait For Concert Band / C. PorterCowboy Overture/J. Williams

9:22 PM

Monday, April 06, 2009

Great job done today, MCB.
im sure all of you played your very best and that alone, is worth praising.
i'd like to share comments i saw on Bandfusion.

go check it out, at least our efforts were not wasted.
we managed to impress some people and i love you guys for that!
thank you mayflower concert band for this wonderful day and performance!
my friend spoke to me about his views of syf and i find that what he said is true.

'syf is just another performance
as long as u have done your best
u deserve whatever medal you wished for in your heart'
- quoted from Jinjun(haha)

we have all done our best, im sure, and we deserve medals that we want, for syf is not just about the medal we get, but the journey, and effort we have put into it.
the medal, is like a materialistic item. If we know we have put in everything we've learnt into the final performance, then we have succeeded. we have succeeded and no regrets shall be made.
If we have put in our best, then yeah, we've clinched whatever we wished for mentally!
though it might not be with us physically, but we know it's there, in our hearts.

Remember,it's not just about the medal we have gotten but the journey, and effort we have put in that counts.

thank you MCB for the wonderful performance today once again!

5:44 PM

Sunday, April 05, 2009

May 6 Apr a victorious day to be remembered!

Tomorrow is finally the day, where toils of sweat that had been shed, hours of practices, dedication being put in by all would pay off all our efforts.

Just constantly bear in mind that whatever happens tomorrow, we must not panic and stay calm. CONCENTRATE AND FOCUS. Like what Mr Tan has mentioned, what matters most is the process and not the results. We just have to enjoy ourselves and have fun performing onstage. Let's capture the judges' heart, make them feel our music.

Have a good rest tonight!

Mayflower Concert Band - A long run of silver award for SYF, a name we will uphold.

10:05 PM

The last few hours

In approx 12 hours from now, we will be standing at the SCH entrance waiting for our turn in the tuning room. By right, all of you should be drinking water while reading this.

(I posted this two years ago..)


tomorrow's the day!!
everyone must jiayou(addoil!), relax, concentrate, focus, and most importantly, look at mr tan and dont panick!! (:
i believe that we can do it! whoots! :D
jiayou everyone!!
the hard work we've put in.. (:

"tomorrow is the day where we shall be the eye-opener, ear-opener and can-opener of every school there!let's work hard tgt and march towards our golden goal! =D"

Alright, rest well, concentrate. Treat this like a normal performance on stage okay! What's more important is that we enjoy the music while it last. There's nothing more important than feeling proud of the music you play. Remember, all the hard work through these months are not done for nothing. We will not let our teachers and ex seniors and people who have been supporting us down :)

Alright, DONT BE LATE TOMORROW! (like me, haha)

8:59 PM

today is the last actual practice we can try to improve our standard.
do get ample rest, and we will showcase what we've learnt to the judges on monday.
the clock is ticking, whether we can do it, it all turns down to that 15 minutes or so in the hall.
jiayou MCB! seniors and teachers are rooting for us! dont let them, and more importantly, ourselves down!

oh and, please bring back your white blouse and bottoms later on and wear it to school tomorrow like what you did on the day of the soundcheck.
the clock is ticking.
we have less than 48 hours now.

12:47 AM

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Dear band members,

Please remember to bring your first uniform on this Saturday. We'll be having rehearsal. SLs please spread the message to all your section members. Thank you.

4 More days, 3 More Band Practices, We can do it! :)

10:54 PM